Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Update from Little Rock Trip

Well we made it home safely with good news. We went to see a cranial specialist to see if Fendley needed a helmet since she has favored her left side and has a flat spot. The doctor basically left it up to us to decide which of course I wanted her opinion! She said to wait a couple months because she isn't for sure a helmet would fix it as well doing these stretches that she showed us. So that was good news! I am busy getting back into the swing of things! Excited about a new school year but will miss my sweet girl dearly! Tomorrow is a practice day of getting into the swing! So I best head to bed!

Friday, June 8, 2012

I am back for real this time!

Ok. I am really going to work on keeping my blog up to date now! Stay tuned for some updates. Fendley is growing so much and is learning so much too! She is very verbal! She is trying to repeat different words we say! She can repeat uh oh, bye, hey, and this sound that she makes with her lips that sounds like a car. When we say, make a car sound, she will try to do it. Well, I thought I would get on here while I was waiting on her to fall asleep and she has now so I best get to sleep! Good night!