Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Spring Break

I am enjoying spring break so much! Fendley and all of her appointments are keeping me busy but we are still having fun. For therapy today, Fendley got to do it in the pool. She loved it! Ms. Janna put her under for the first time! She is making so much progress!

After therapy we did a little shopping then met Daddy for lunch at Feltner Brothers. Fendley had to have a grilled cheese! She loves grilled cheese! Love this sweet face!

I'm Back....again!

I am promising to be back for good this time. I am going to make a point to blog at least once a week. I promise!

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Update from Little Rock Trip

Well we made it home safely with good news. We went to see a cranial specialist to see if Fendley needed a helmet since she has favored her left side and has a flat spot. The doctor basically left it up to us to decide which of course I wanted her opinion! She said to wait a couple months because she isn't for sure a helmet would fix it as well doing these stretches that she showed us. So that was good news! I am busy getting back into the swing of things! Excited about a new school year but will miss my sweet girl dearly! Tomorrow is a practice day of getting into the swing! So I best head to bed!

Friday, June 8, 2012

I am back for real this time!

Ok. I am really going to work on keeping my blog up to date now! Stay tuned for some updates. Fendley is growing so much and is learning so much too! She is very verbal! She is trying to repeat different words we say! She can repeat uh oh, bye, hey, and this sound that she makes with her lips that sounds like a car. When we say, make a car sound, she will try to do it. Well, I thought I would get on here while I was waiting on her to fall asleep and she has now so I best get to sleep! Good night!

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

We are back!

Yes, we are back! Our house got struck by lightning a couple of months ago and we got the internet going again, finally! Be looking for some more updates in the next couple of days!

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Fendley Kate Hall is here!!

Well I know it has been a while since I have been on here because I have been SUPER busy with the birth of our little girl! Fendley Kate Hall arrived October 3 at 11:24 a.m. was 6 pounds 7 ounces and 18 3/4 inches long. She is perfect! She is a mixture of both mommy and daddy! She was breech so I would have had a c-section anyways. We are doing good. I am just struggling with figuring out her schedule and adjusting myself.

Holding her for the first time!

Me and my little girl!!

On our way home from the hospital.

This picture is before she went to her first doctor's appointment.

Hog Fan.....of course!!! WPS!!! Daddy and I are hoping to watch her play for the Razorbacks some day!!

Four Generation Picture...hoping to get a five generation picture soon!!

One Week Old Picture!! She has changed so much in just one week!!

Here are some pictures that we had taken at the hospital and the link is below to view the pictures.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Reality Check!!!

Yes, Keith and I have had a reality check today after going to the doctor!!! Sorry I haven't been updating because nothing is really happening. Things are still not happening but there is a slight problem. Fendley is getting bigger but my body is not responding that I need to go into labor. So we went to the doctor today and she checked me and I had not changed AGAIN!!! So she started to listen to the heartbeat and was having a hard time finding it. She finally found it. She said, "She is getting big." We said, "How big?" She said probably about 8 1/2 pounds right now!!! So she sit down and thought about it and said my chances for a c-section is getting higher because I am not showing any sign of going into labor anytime soon, Fendley is getting bigger, and my pelvic area is very narrow. So, she said that I will probably have to have a c-section. I told her whatever she thought was best. So, she said to come back first thing Monday morning for her to check me and if I have not changed, she will do a c-section Monday so bring my bags!! WHOA!!! So, this time next week, Keith and I could a precious little baby. If I have changed, she will monitor me closely and won't let me go but a couple more days. So, I am still trying to let this sink in!!! So we are busy getting last minute things ready. Just a little nervous about it but I know God is in control! So at 8:30 on Monday, we will see if we get to meet Fendley Kate!!